While some people experience no issues at all with their wisdom teeth, others feel acute pain t...
Continue Reading…Early Stage Gum Disease: Preventing the problem before it happens
Gum disease is something that the vast majority of adults will experience at some stage of thei...
Continue Reading…Back-To-School Smiles: Why Children’s braces are on the rise
Early prevention is undoubtedly the best solution when it comes to your children’s teeth, and...
Continue Reading…The Pure Smiles Promise: Why our approach is unique
Before choosing the right dentist to meet your dental and oral needs, there are so many things ...
Continue Reading…Air Polishing: Our Expert Solution to Staining
As there are so many different treatments to think about when visiting the dentist, it can be d...
Continue Reading…Bleeding Gums: The Dos and Don'ts of reducing inflammation
Bleeding gums are a sign that something isn't quite right in your mouth. It could be a result o...
Continue Reading…A camera-ready smile for summer! How to start your journey to straight teeth today
With summer fast approaching, there’s never a better time to think about developing a camera-...
Continue Reading…5 ways to improve over-sensitive teeth
Over-sensitive teeth can cause a range of issues. It can be challenging to eat those foods you ...
Continue Reading…How to avoid damaging your teeth this summer
Summer is nearly upon us, which means picnics in the park, family BBQs, and days out with the k...
Continue Reading…What to Expect from Our Porcelain Veneers
As far as cosmetic dentistry is concerned, porcelain veneers are one of our most popular treatm...
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