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750a Fulham Road, Fulham, London SW6 5SH
257 New Kings Road, Fulham, London, SW6 4RB

Wisdom Teeth Removal: Why, when and how?

While some people experience no issues at all with their wisdom teeth, others feel acute pain that affects their ability to function properly. After all, aching teeth and sensitive gums are extremely uncomfortable, so it’s important to seek out the necessary treatment. Below, we explain why, when, and how wisdom teeth removal is necessary and invite you to book an appointment with one of our friendly dentists to start your treatment.

Why is wisdom teeth removal necessary? 

Wisdom teeth are your third molars and are the final permanent teeth to arrive in your mouth. For most people, wisdom teeth emerge between the ages of 17 and 25, but they can appear earlier or later than this. In most instances, the emergence of wisdom teeth causes no issues, but for others, it’s a different story altogether. Due to a lack of space in the mouth, some people develop ‘impacted’ wisdom teeth, which means they only emerge partially or not at all in some cases. Impacted wisdom teeth typically grow at an angle and can lead to acute pain. What’s more, if left untreated, impacted wisdom teeth can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, abscesses, and cysts, among a range of other complications. 

When do you need to act? 

It’s important to note that not everyone needs to act and remove their wisdom teeth. In fact, research shows that between 5 and 37% of people don’t have their full set of wisdom teeth, highlighting the fact that the third molars are unlikely to affect everyone in the same way. So, the key thing to remember is that you only need to take action when you notice your wisdom teeth are causing you pain. If your gums are red and sensitive around your wisdom teeth, it’s best to book an appointment with a dentist to discuss the best course of action before the pain becomes too severe. 

How are wisdom teeth removed? 

After your initial consultation, a dentist will either proceed with the removal of your wisdom teeth or refer you to a specialist surgeon for hospital treatment. Typically, you will be given a local anaesthetic to numb the area surrounding the tooth before a small incision is made in your gums. The wisdom tooth will then be removed from the gum, which can take as few as five minutes or significantly longer, depending on how your wisdom teeth are impacted. In some cases, the dentist will stitch the affected area to promote healing, but it’s not always necessary. The final stage sees a gauze placed over the extraction site that controls bleeding and helps the blood clot. The recovery time varies, but you will likely feel discomfort and swelling for a few days after the treatment. You can use over the counter pain relief to help manage this, and your mouth should return to normal after a week or so. 

Are you experiencing pain in your wisdom teeth? 

If you notice pain or swelling in your gums surrounding your wisdom teeth, it’s important to take action before the pain increases. At Pure Smiles, our dentists are perfectly positioned to assist you with wisdom teeth treatment or removal, and we’re on hand to help you with any other issues relating to your dental health. Call us today on 0203 613 3339 to schedule an appointment or to ask any questions about our wisdom teeth removal service. 

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