The health of our teeth and gums is linked to many other life conditions including strokes, dia...
Continue Reading…Beat dental anxiety for good with help from our Fulham dentists
Here at Pure Smiles private and NHS dental practice in Fulham, we aim to make your dental exper...
Continue Reading…Morning smile: Should you brush your teeth before or after breakfast?
Most people you encounter will say that it’s better to brush your teeth after breakfast. It s...
Continue Reading…Bad breath? Kiss goodbye to a second date says dental survey
Before seeking out your Valentine this year, make sure your oral health is up to a loveable sta...
Continue Reading…How dehydration can harm your teeth!
Drinking lots of water is one of the best things you can do for your teeth. Your oral health ca...
Continue Reading…Digital Smile Design: A Guide
Digital smile design is an advanced procedure that we offer our patients. It’s an innovative ...
Continue Reading…Mr and Mrs: Who Has Better Teeth - Men or Women?
While everyone is guilty of forgetting to brush their teeth every now and again, is there reall...
Continue Reading…Vaping: Danger to Your Teeth?
It was only a few years ago that vaping hit its stride and became popular. It’s considered to...
Continue Reading…Mouth Cancer Awareness Month
Don’t ignore these signs of mouth cancer, urge Fulham dentists.
Continue Reading…Top 5 Foods That Are Great for Your Teeth
The food you eat plays a big part in maintaining your dental health. While you’ll never be ab...
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